The development of power-driven brushes specifically for use on conventional centerless grinders has increased significantly over the past two decades as new applications have developed. Six key areas have been identified as ideal uses for centerless brushes as opposed to abrasive wheels more commonly associated with centerless grinders.
Cylindrical Industrial Brushes: A New Sub-section of our Website
To give engineers and buyers help specifying custom-made cylinder brushes, we have created an entire section of our website giving application specifics for a variety of brush materials, mounting styles and unique properties of the cylindrical brushes manufactured by Spiral Brushes.
Industrial Power Brush Safety Tips
Industrial power brushes are rotating cutting tools that must always be operated with certain safety precautions. All operators of power brushes should be familiar with “Safety Requirements For The Design, Care, and Use of Power Driven Brush Tools”, ANS B165.1. A summary of this statement is provided with each shipment, and additional copies are available upon request.