Steel Wire Brushes

Steel Wire Brushes are suitable for a wide variety of applications and are generally the most economical and most widely available of the different wire brush options. Steel wire is the hardest of the commonly offered brush wires, providing a high fatigue life and durable cutting action. Steel wire is most appropriate for work on steel and iron workpieces, but may also be used on wood, aluminum, brass and copper; however the softer the material to be brushed, the more likely that a steel wire brush will cut into the material and remove base material in addition to the targeted coating or contamination.


Steel Wire BrushesSteel wire is appropriate for constant operating temperatures up to 275° F, but can be used where the brush will come in contact with higher temperatures for shorter periods of time. When ambient temperatures will exceed 275°F, stainless steel wire should be considered.



Steel wire can be supplied in the following types of brushes: cylinder brush, metal back strip brush, auger brush, wheel brush, centerless brush, copper-center small diameter wheel brush, wire stripping brush, knot-wheel brush, cup brush, knot-cup brush, minigrinder brush, end brush, spot-facer brush, tube-cleaning or twisted in wire brush, and stapleset brush.




Within our product line and available materials, the following types of steel wire are available:

Spiral Designation Description Size Range Typical Uses Applications
SST: medium to aggressive wire High Tensile, Oil Tempered, High Carbon Steel 0.008” up to 0.035” in diameter Cylinder brushes, Brush Seals, Power brushes, Twisted-Knot brushes Surface preparation, removal of paint or corrosion, weld preparation, roughening, deburring
SHS: fine wire Hard Drawn, High Carbon Steel Wire 0.003” to 0.006” in diameter Cylinder brushes, Brush Seals, Power brushes Removal of light surface deposits, polishing
LC: Low Carbon Medium Tensile, Mild Steel, High Ductility 0.003” to 0.006” in diameter Power brushes, Brush Seals, Cylinder brushes Polishing and light scrubbing, some corrosion resistance, high magnetic properties.
Brass Plated Steel Hard-Drawn, High Carbon Steel Wire 0.008” through 0.028” Utility Grade Power brushes, Wire Descaling brushes Corrosion resistant steel wire brushes.
Galvanized Steel Cable Hard Drawn, High Carbon Steel 3/64” @ 1×19 ply, and other sizes upon request Aggressive Power Brushes, Strip Brush, and Cylinder Brushes Long wearing and corrosion resistant


Steel wire is not recommended for the following situations:

Wet Environment: Brushes that are exposed to high humidity and moisture will rust and corrode. Stainless steel wire and stainless steel internal components are recommended for wet environments.

Brushing Stainless Steel or Aluminum: Use of carbon steel wire on stainless steel or aluminum will contaminate the surface and leave an “after-rust” effect. To prevent “after-rust”, always use a stainless steel wire on stainless steel, and use stainless steel or aluminum wire on aluminum.

Non-spark environments: Do not use a steel wire brush in an environment where sparks pose a potential safety problem. Use a brush with brass or bronze wire, and a suitable power tool.